Etihad First Class Lounge, Abu Dhabi
Flying the first class Apartment on Etihad’s A380 is quite an experience, as you would expect for a ticket price of over £9000…
Of course, I used points. More on that later. More on the Etihad Apartment later too, because first we’ll have a look at the Etihad First Class Lounge in Abu Dhabi.
Actually it’s a more like a first class terminal with its own private entrance, as you can see below, leading to the dedicated check in and security for first class passengers.
Before we get to that though, it’s too hard to resist a few quick photos of Abu Dhabi.
No trip to Abu Dhabi should be without a quick stay at the Jumeirah at Etihad Towers. The Etihad Towers look exactly like the toiletries you’ll find in your room.
Well, perhaps not exactly alike. The towers are shiny metal and glass, not orange. From the towers, you get an amazing view of the rapidly developed skyline.
What’s the Arabic for “It were all fields round ‘ere when I were a lad”?
Well, sand dunes, not fields. Either way, almost none of what you this in this picture existed 20 years ago.
The Jumeirah is very nice. If the perpetual haze does lift for a second you can see the Fairmont and the presidential palace.
The lift has the trippiest interior. The club lounge is very good.
Handily, there’s a shop right underneath the hotel, in case you forgot to bring your Aston Martin with you.
The food in the Manor Club Lounge at The Rosewood really is damn good. On the last day, one more breakfast. The photo might not tempt you, but it really is delicious.
Have to save some appetite though. Need to enjoy the lounge and the flight. I think it’s going to be another 5000 calorie day.
The lounge was empty for most of my visit, until a middle aged chap came in and sat at the dining table. The waiter (I want to say “Butler” – waiter doesn’t convey the right level of class and sophistication. But I’m not classy or sophisticated so I’ll stick with waiter) greeted him by name.
“Oh hello again Mr Somebody. What would you like today?”
This is the bit that really got me. The guy looked at the menu, sighed with disappointment, and said:
“I suppose I’ll have the eggs Benedict….. Again.”
Again! Ha! Imagine being such a regular visitor to the Etihad First Class Lounge that you’re bored of the food and exasperated about having to put up with eggs Benedict again.
First World problems. First Class problems.
The view isn’t anything special, but there’s plenty to occupy you inside the lounge. Such as expensive rum. In any case, another 10 minutes and you’re going to be sitting in your own private apartment on the top deck of the A380.
More of that in the next post!